Ardscoil Mhuire, Limerick 2020

Ardscoil Mhuire, Limerick 2020

The Creative Engagement Project 2020 for Ardscoil Mhuire, Corbally concentrated on Feminist songwriting with songwriter and academic Roisín Ní Galloghlaih. Ardscoil Mhuire, an all girls secondary school shares feminist values and holds a large Womens Day Celebration...
Colaiste Bhaile Chlair, Co na Gaillimhe 2020

Colaiste Bhaile Chlair, Co na Gaillimhe 2020

Coláiste Bhaile Chlair are delighted to present to you their stunning wire sculpture ‘Roots’ created with the talented artist Glenn Gibson and their 5th year Art students. They were delighted to have the opportunity to exhibit their sculpture as part of...
Davis College, Mallow 2020

Davis College, Mallow 2020

Davis College in Mallow, Co. Cork have completed their Creative Engagement projects 2020 The title of their piece is Creative Artists, Scientists, Engineers and Programmers at Davis College. Students worked with muralist artist Garreth Joyce developing design ideas on...
Patrician Secondary School, Co. Kildare 2020

Patrician Secondary School, Co. Kildare 2020

Patrician Secondary School in Newbridge were moving along nicely to getting their large dragon for their Creative Engagement Project 2020 finished when the school closure for Covid 19 happened. They were working with artist Paul Woods. The first year group were really...