Presentation Secondary School Warrenmount, Dublin 2020

Presentation Secondary School Warrenmount, Dublin 2020

The title of their Creative Engagement project this year is; Warrenmount Urban Garden Ceramic Installation For the Creative Engagement Project we are working with the Green School’s Committee to create a ceramic installation to compliment their urban garden. The focus...
Our Lady of Mercy College, Beaumont 2020

Our Lady of Mercy College, Beaumont 2020

Our Lady of Mercy College, Beaumont are delighted with the success of their Creative Engagement Project 2020. They have been working on ceramics for a mosaic and it is well underway. Artist: Niamh Sinnott Teachers: Sioned O’Mahony and Ruth O’Byrne...


From you have I been absent in the Spring, When proud-pied April, dressed in all his trim, Hath put a spirit of youth in everything, (Shakespeare 1609)  Good luck with all the work in Spring. Please send in any photos and text of projects underway. Evaluation Form...