Unveiling of the Pobalscoil Chorcha Dhuibhne project

Unveiling of the Pobalscoil Chorcha Dhuibhne project – April 2013


Pictured from left to right:  Mr. Machachamise First Secretary to the Ambassador of Lesotho to Ireland. Maree Hensey, Artist. Mr Gerry Gervin Irish Ambassador to Lesotho, Brenda Friel, Art teacher. Eileen O Leary Photographer. Paddy O Connor NAPD Arts and Culture Committee.


 Pictured from left to right:  Jane Ni Mhurchu art teacher, Mr Machachamise,  First Secreatary to teh Ambassador of Lesotho to Ireland. Maree Henesy Artist. Mr Gerry Gervin, Irish Ambassador to Lesotho Brenda Friel Art teacher.

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