St. Mary’s Secondary School, Edenderry, Co. Offaly 2024

St. Mary’s Secondary School, Edenderry, recently completed their Creative Engagement Project for 2024. A Visual Art group from Transition year in St. Mary’s have created a beautiful sculpture entitled ‘Brigid, Goddess and Saint’. Under the guidance of Miss Farrell, the group reflected on the customs, traditions and symbols associated with Brigid’s story. The piece aims to champion the values of Brigid, that of faith, peace, arts and culture, education and social justice, values we hold dear in Saint Mary’s. Brigid’s cross is proudly displayed on their school crest and they hope to shine a light on her remarkable legacy.

Brigid and her contemporaries would have had great reverence and respect for the land and forces of nature. They recognised that humans and their environment are interconnected in a deeply woven complex web. The sculpture was designed and made with sustainability in mind. They reused many found materials in creative ways.

The sculpture is on view in St. Mary’s for Primary school classes leading up to her feast day when it will be displayed on the church altar for all to see.

Teacher: Fiona Farrell