St. Brigids Presentation Secondary School, Killarney 2020

This Creative Engagement 2020 project centers on the theme of identity and what we chose to share and hide about our true self with a group of Transition Year students from St Brigid’s Secondary School.  The students explored themes such as Identity, Transformation, Visual language and Communication.

Cork based artist Declan O’Meara facilitated the project. The Art classroom provided a stimulating and supportive learning environment in which students can engage with visual art and is an educational space. Through his collaboration in educational programmes with various sectors such as post-primary schools, Vibes & Scribes Arts and Craft Shop weekly in-store demonstrations, Cork Traveler Visibility Group and a number of other public and community projects. He hopes to engage the students in a collaberative project whereupon the students will expolore the medium of oil pastels and create portraits which reflects a hidden or cencealed element of their personality.


Artist: Declan O’Meara

Teacher: Alice Quilter



Pobalscoil Rosmini Creative Engagement Project:...