Creative Engagement ShowcaSE
Archbishop McHale College, Tuam, Co. Galway 2020
Archbishop McHale College in Tuam have worked hard to finish their Creative Engagement Project 2020.
North Monastery Secondary School CBS, Cork 2020
The North Monastery Secondary School, Cork have their Creative Engagement Project 2020 well underway. The class have now finished the spray painting panels based on the theme of UN Rights of the Child. These will be shown in The Glucksman Gallery in Cork from March...
Coláiste Éamann Rís, Cork 2020
Coláiste Éamann Rís, in Cork had their Creative Engagement Project 2020 well underway before the lockdown. Here are some photos of their screen printing with textile artist Anne Kiely. There is also a short video of a walk they took around the local area to gain...
Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training 2020
Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, in association with the NAPD Creative Engagement Programme, were delighted to engage with Artist: Karen Hickey through Portrait painting. Part one of the Creative Engagement 2020 project encompassed the theme of...
Cork Educate Together Secondary School 2020
Cork Educate Together Secondary School connected back to nature with their 2020 Creative Engagement Project. Photos of the finished pieces were taken in the garden of Griffith College. Ms. O'Sullivan was the only one who could attend under the current circumstances....
Ardscoil Mhuire, Limerick 2020
The Creative Engagement Project 2020 for Ardscoil Mhuire, Corbally concentrated on Feminist songwriting with songwriter and academic Roisín Ní Galloghlaih. Ardscoil Mhuire, an all girls secondary school shares feminist values and holds a large Womens Day Celebration...
St. Brigids Presentation Secondary School, Killarney 2020
This Creative Engagement 2020 project centers on the theme of identity and what we chose to share and hide about our true self with a group of Transition Year students from St Brigid’s Secondary School. The students explored themes such as Identity, Transformation,...
Colaiste Bhaile Chlair, Co na Gaillimhe 2020
Coláiste Bhaile Chlair are delighted to present to you their stunning wire sculpture 'Roots' created with the talented artist Glenn Gibson and their 5th year Art students. They were delighted to have the opportunity to exhibit their sculpture as part of the Art In...
Davis College, Mallow 2020
Davis College in Mallow, Co. Cork have completed their Creative Engagement projects 2020 The title of their piece is Creative Artists, Scientists, Engineers and Programmers at Davis College. Students worked with muralist artist Garreth Joyce developing design ideas on...
Recent News and Updates
Creative Engagement 8th Annual Exhibition.
The Creative Engagement 8th Annual Exhibition will take place online March 4-6. The Minister of Tourism Culture Arts Gaeltacht Sport and Music , Catherine Martin TD, will formally open the exhibition. Invitations to view the exhibition will be sent to schools,...
Bliain Nua Fé Mhaise Daoibh
Bliain Nua Fé Mhaise Daoibh. Happy New Year. Thank you to everyone that Creative Engagement 2019-20 was completed in late November. Creative Engagement 2020-21 is now under way. As we are experiencing lockdown currently we will once again be adding extra time to...
Congratulations Catherine Martin TD and Norma Foley TD
Congratulations to Norma Foley TD in her new role as Minister of Education and Skills and to Catherine Martin TD in her new role as Minister for Media Tourism Arts Culture Sports and the Gaeltacht. Catherine is a past participant of the Creative Engagement...
creative engagemet
It is an arts-in-education programme. This entails an artist or artists coming into the school to work with the students. A creative engagement happens when a local artist or arts group comes into the school and imparts their skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to the students. This partnership has mutual benefits to both artist and school. Creative Engagement programme encompasses the arts in its broadest manifestation, from the visual arts to music, from theatre to dance and all the arts in between.
The Creative Engagement programme strives to encourage creativity, initiative and expression in our students and to complement curricular learning in the arts , heritage and culture. NAPD envisions an education system energised through the arts and where creativity is a core activity in the post primary curriculum. The NAPD Arts Culture and Heritage committee celebrates its twenty fourth anniversary this year 2023. The Arts Culture and Heritage committee has been administering the Creative Engagement programme in schools since 2005.