Creative Engagement in IMMA

Creative Engagement in IMMA had the most projects and the most visitors of any Creative Engagement

exhibition to date.  There was great enthusiasm and engagement at the exhibition and the beauty of  the Royal Hospital Kilmainham added to the atmosphere.  Some schools like Scoil Phobail Bhéara left on a bus at 4 am. to travel to the exhibition.  Visual and performance arts were well received both in the exhibition hall and the Baroque Chapel.  Michael Starrett, CEO of the Heritage Council and Paul Byrne, President of NAPD, visited the exhibits in the company of NAPD Director Clive Byrne and Arts Culture and Heritage Chairperson Mary Hanley.  Our thanks go to Sarah Glennie Director of IMMA and Helen O Donoghue  Senior Curator of IMMA and Catherine O Byrne Facilities Manager for supporting and welcoming NAPD to the Royal Hospital.





Pobalscoil Rosmini Creative Engagement Project:...